dental hygienist local anesthesia test question

Which of the following skull bones is NOT involved in the adminstration of local anesthesia?





Question 2

10 / 10 pts

The _____________ is an elongated depression located directly beneath, or inferior to, the infraorbital foramen.

Canine fossa

Zygomatic process

Maxillary tuberosity

Inferior orbital fissure

Question 3

10 / 10 pts

The alveolar bone covering the maxillary teeth is _________ than alveolar bone covering the mandibular teeth.

More dense

Less porous

Less dense

Both a and b

Question 4

10 / 10 pts

Which of the following nerves innervates the soft palate and tonsils?

The greater palatine nerve

The lesser palatine nerve

The anterior superior alveolar nerve

The posterior superior alveolar nerve

Question 5

10 / 10 pts

The lower jaw, or mandible, consists of two bones that are fused together at the intermandibular suture. The mandible is the skull’s only freely movable bone.

The first statement is true; the second statement is false.

The first statement is false; the second statement is true.

Both statements are true.

Both statements are false.

Question 6

10 / 10 pts

Of the following nerves, which is carried in the incisive foramen?

The posterior superior alveolar nerve

The greater palatine nerve

The nasopalatine nerve

The mental nerve

Question 7

10 / 10 pts

The coronoid notch is a landmark for which injection?

The mental or incisive block

The posterior alveolar block

The inferior alveolar block

The long buccal block

Question 8

10 / 10 pts

Which division of the trigeminal nerve carries both afferent and efferent nerves?




None: the trigeminal nerve carries only afferent nerves.

Question 9

10 / 10 pts

If the middle superior alveolar nerve (MSA) is not present in a patient, the tissues usually innervated by the MSA are innervated by the _________.

Anterior superior alveolar nerve (ASA)

Posterior superior alveolar nerve (PSA)

Infraorbital nerve (IO)

Both a and b

Question 10

10 / 10 pts

Your patient begins experiencing facial paralysis following the administration of an inferior alveolar block. Which nerve has been inadvertently anesthetized?

The mylohyoid nerve

The facial nerve

The auriculotemporal nerve

The nasopalatine nerve

Quiz Score: 100 out of 100

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Time:28 minutes
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Question 1

0 / 10 pts

The American Dental Association has set forth criteria for the acceptance of local anesthetic syringes. Which of the following is NOT consistent with the ADA’s standards?

The syringe must provide effective aspiration.

The syringe must be inexpensive.

The syringe must be capable of accepting a variety of cartridges and needles.

The syringe must be disposable.

Question 2

10 / 10 pts

The _______________ is a sharp tip attached to the internal end of the piston that embeds into the cartridge’s rubber stopper.



Finger grip

Needle adaptor

Question 3

10 / 10 pts

The syringe designed to deliver a “virtually painless” injection of local anesthesia is the:

Computer-controlled anesthetic delivery device (CCLADS)

Jet injector syringe

Pressure syringe

Breach-loading plastic cartridge-type syringe

IncorrectQuestion 4

0 / 10 pts

Routine maintenance of a reusable syringe includes __________.

Inspection and replacement of the finger ring

Lubrication of the piston

Inspection and replacement of a dull or bent harpoon

All of the above

Question 5

10 / 10 pts

Which of following needle gauges has the largest lumen diameter?





Question 6

10 / 10 pts

Placing the local anesthetic cartridge in alcohol or sterilization solutions can cause ____________.

Contamination of the local anesthetic solution

Corrosion of the aluminum cap

A burning sensation during the injection

All of above

Quiz Score: 40 out of 60

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Time:17 minutes
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Which of the following statements is TRUE of local anesthesia?

Local anesthesia eliminates the feeling of sensation without the loss of consciousness.

Local anesthesia is an unpleasant sory and emotional experience.

Local anesthesia eliminates the feeling of sensation through loss of consciousness.

Local anesthesia is never necessary for dental hygiene appointments.

Question 2

10 / 10 pts

Which of the following methods of pain control did NOT pave the way for modern anesthetics?

Scaring off demons

Herbs and plants (roots, berries, seeds)

Therapeutic massage

Alcohol, cannabis, and opium

Question 3

10 / 10 pts

The first effective gas inhalation anesthetic was:

Nitrous oxide



Acetylated salicyclic acid

Question 4

10 / 10 pts

The first local anesthetic was:





Question 5

10 / 10 pts

Which of the following advantages is/are associated with the use of local anesthetic?


Pain control

No memory of the procedure

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